Updates – Rule Modifications

Posted: December 1st, 2009 | No Comments »

Due to unforeseen issues in interaction (which can happen in a game being played on a large scale), there have been some modifications to the rules in order to clarify situations that have come up.

They are highlighted in red on the website but here they are as well:

• Kills: Made by making physical contact (tagging) with the person (not their bag, not their drawing board and not the sculpture they’re trying to get to class, them). <-- Needed Clarification
• The dead player cannot interact with the game in any way, until their life is reinstated. <-- Needed Clarification
• Disputes (ie. you both killed each other at the same time) are solved with the simple game of “Rock/paper/Scissor/shoot” or a coin flip. <-- conflict avoidance

MICA’s Off Campus Activity Policy

Posted: November 23rd, 2009 | No Comments »

While this activity falls both into the athletic, Off Campus and On-Campus areas the Off Campus Waiver policy fits best with this Game. MICA wants to make sure you agree to all this stuff before you play the game. It will be part of the sign up (you know legal stuff).

Risk Management – The Division of Student Affairs strives to provide an awareness of the risks involved in each activity in which students may participate. Certain elements of danger may be inherent in any specific activity. Often these elements of danger are beyond the control of the Division and its staff.

Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) believes that organized off-campus activities by its students are an important part of the students’ overall learning experience. Off-campus activities do, however, involve significant risks, both to students participating in them and also to the College depending upon the manner in which students conduct themselves while off campus.

By submitting this form, the submitting student agrees to the following:

1. My participation in this activity is entirely voluntary and done of my own free will. I agree to abide by college policy and understand that any violation of these policies (whether on or off campus) may result in termination of my attendance at the program and/or disciplinary charges and/or sanctions. I further understand that I must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the policies and procedures of the club or activity and the host site. Participation is not a requirement of the college, nor is it a condition of enrollment or participation in any of the college’s academic or related programs.

2. I hereby waive my right to and release Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) of and from any and all claims, liabilities, and damages arising out of or relating to my participation in any off-campus travel and related activities, including any travel associated with such activity.

3. I will observe standards of conduct set forth in the MICA Code of Conduct and all Institute policies and procedures applicable while participating in the off-campus activity referenced above (the “Activity”), understanding that such compliance is important to the success of the Activity and to the College’s willingness to permit future similar activities.

4. I will conform my conduct to the standards surrounding the Activity and assume responsibility for my own actions, understanding that the circumstances of an off-campus activity may require a standard of decorum which may differ from that applicable on campus.

5. I do not act as an agent or representative of MICA and, accordingly, shall not have the power or authority to bind or create liability for the College by virtue of my negligent or intentional acts or omissions.

6. I assume full financial responsibility for all costs and expenses that I incur in connection with the Activity, including, without limitation, financial responsibility for damage or destruction to property of third parties.

7. I will obtain and maintain such health, accident, disability, hospitalization, and travel insurance as I may deem necessary for the Activity, and I am responsible for the costs of such insurance and for any expenses not covered by insurance.

8. I will immediately disclose to the College any physical or emotional conditions or problems that might impair my ability to complete the Activity. I hereby release the College and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, demands, injuries, damages, losses, actions, causes of actions, or expenses whatsoever arising out of my failure to disclose such conditions or problems.

I agree that participation in the Activity is entirely voluntary, and I am fully aware, having sought and obtained such information and advice as I have deemed necessary and appropriate, that such participation involves risk of injury and property damage, including possibly short-term and long-term disability, and even death. These risks can come from causes that are many and varied, that may not even be presently foreseeable, and that may include negligent or intentional acts or omissions of others. I acknowledge, accept, and assume all such risks, whether or not presently foreseeable and whether or not caused by the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of others, and elect voluntarily to participate in the Activity. I release the College and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims I may have, waive all such claims, and agree not to sue the College or its representatives for any such claims, arising out of my participation in the Activity, including, but not limited to, claims arising out of the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of others.

Rules (In Process)

Posted: November 19th, 2009 | 2 Comments »

The Game:
Rebellion Rising is a team-based Massive Multiplayer Live-Action Game (or MMLAG) based on stories of espionage and childhood games of tag. Played within a large-scale space, such as a college campus, participants integrate the game into their lives for 7 days. Game play is designed for varied levels of participation, from passive to extremely involved.

The Story:
In this world, a Minority-Party had taken power and for decades has reshaped government. There are those who enjoy this new form of rule and welcome its protection by a secret team of elite soldiers known as Imperial Spy Agents (the ISA). There are those however, who preferred an older way of living and government structure. These Rebels fight in secret against the government, calling it a de facto régime bent on controlling it’s “citizens” through fear and oppression. The Government thinks of these Rebels as terrorists. The Rebels see the ISA as ruthless murderers of their friends and families.

• The Rebels: Rebels fight for the Resistance and want to overthrow the de facto government.
• The ISA: Known as Imperial Spy Agents, they must destroy the terrorists called rebels.

• Perspective players sign-up using the online form at www.rebellionrising.com.
• Players are secretly assigned to teams and are provided with an ID number.

Game play:
• Kills: Made by making physical contact (tagging) using any of the allowed weapons.
• Death: After being killed (tagged), the dead forfeits their ID number to the killer. The Killer then txts/email the ID number, the location, and the weapon used to rebellionrising@gmail.com.
• Re-spawn: Dead players are re-spawned the next day with a new ID number, sent by email.
• Missions: Assigned once a day through email, missions provide opportunities for team bonuses towards the final mission, as well as reveal aspects of story.
• Winning: a last-person-standing motif at the final mission decides the winning team.
• Player awards: Individual awards for most kills, variety of kills survival and more will be awarded daily to participants of both teams, as well as at the end of the game.
• Theatrics: Dramatically dying and dressing for the part are encouraged.
• D-Bags/A-Holes: Those individuals playing to break the game or playing to win by cheating will be banned from the game. We’re ALL trying to have fun.

• Clean Balled-up Socks: A one hit Kill grenade, or touching weapon.
• Un-Modified Nerf Maverick Rev-6: No paint jobs at all. This is for your safety.
• Other weapons and upgrades: Other weapons will be announced as the game progresses.
• Rules on weapons: 1] No realistic looking weaponry. 2] Don’t display your weaponry inside academic buildings and work. 3] Hit/shoot yourself with it. Does it hurt? If yes, then the item is not allowed. 4] All items are subject to approval by a game moderator.

Safe Zones (individuals of either side cannot be attacked in these locations):
• Dorm-rooms and apartments (not including hallways and walkways)
• Public and Private Restrooms.
• Academic Buildings/Offices/Art Galleries (see website for details).
• Meyerhoff Fitness Center.
• Mt Royal Medical Center.
• Meyerhoff Cafeteria (during business hours: 7:30am to 7:30pm).
• Places of Employment/work study/while on the clock.
• Transportation: MICA Vehicles, MTA and Colltown Buses, light rail, cars, and bikes. (Safe until you have moved 10 ft away from the vehicle or it has pulled away).

Other Rules:
• Attacking non-players on purpose could result in being banned from the game.
• Individuals must have both feet outside of a safe zone to tag or be tagged.
• Athletes are safe during official practices and games, but not on the way to or from practice/games.
• Similarly, students at required academic/SAO events are safe for the duration of the event (even if this event is in a free-play zone), but they are not safe on the way to or from the event (weekly club meetings, do not count).
• Plan to sleep on or near campus for the game (see map). It’s a matter of fair play.
• Game missions and Kills are allowed to occur off campus (see map) at players’ expense.
• During the game participants MUST abide by all Baltimore City, Maryland, and Institute Laws and policies. This is for your safety.

The Final Title

Posted: November 18th, 2009 | No Comments »

After looking at the game’s Rule Set, What should the Title Be?

My first to ideas for consideration:
• Rebellion Rising
• Red Horizon Rising
• Red Dawn Rising
• Red Morn Rising
• Red Realm Rising
• Red Sky Rising

I love the connection to a red dawn (Red Sky at Morning sailers take Warning) but I am not locked into it if someone can help me come up with something different. Rebellion Rising is good short name, but it favors the Rebel side for a game that attempts to cast both sides and the good guys