National News Network – Day 6
Posted: December 7th, 2009 | No Comments »
Good morning citizens,
This is Chase Bentley with a Special report:
“In fighting the previous day the resistance dealt a crippling blow to the Empire, as an explosive device was placed at an Imperial hospital. Though there were injuries reported from both sides of the gun battle, no casualties were reported as the hospital had been evacuated earlier. Sources say that another possible location of this attack was thought to have been a grade school building. Sources also suggest that this bombing attack was only a diversion, as an attack on the Imperial Archive Building took place not 15 minutes after rebels were reported in the area of the hospital. This second attack allowed rebels to walk away with key information on ISA. The Emperor has asked his ISA to keep on guard for suspicious individuals.”
Now for the morning report:
– All Lives have been reinstated with new ID numbers.
– Today’s mission-details will be out by early afternoon. Here is the preview: A highly decorated ISAgent wishes to defect to the Resistance. The ISA have targeted him as a traitor, and have been ordered to terminate him before he divulges any information that could get good country-loving soldiers killed. The Rebels hope that this defector brings with him good intelligence and new technologies in the war against the Empire.
– Details on the identity of this traitor/defector are coming later. Keep a look out for txts, and emails.